Saturday, May 16, 2009

My profile

The history of our life as human beings is the most important and interesting thing that we need to remember. I would like to share some of my personal information, childhood memories and future expectations. My name is Sultan Mohammed Khamis Al Muhairi. I’m an Emirati and I was born in Alain. My birthday was on the first of August in1988. Twam hospital, the place where I was born in. I’m 19 years old. I have four siblings, two girls, and two boys. I lived in Al Ain for the first three years of my life. After that, my family and I moved to Abu Dhabi, because my father’s job moved him to work there. In Abu Dhabi, we started a new life. It was a completely different life for my family except for me, because I was a child and I didn’t notice any differences about our lifestyle in Alain. Moreover, when I grew up I started to notice the differences between Abu Dhabi and Alain. When we go to our second house in Alain, I start to be uninterested because I have no friends to hang out with. Plus, Alain is a dead place that no one could cope with it. Abu Dhabi, the place where I have lived for sixteen years. I have many friends to go out with. Each one of us has beautiful memories in his/her childhood. Actually I had a beautiful childhood, I was a naughty kid who like to be an adventurer. There are many things that happened to me and I can’t forget them. One day, I remember when I was in my grand father’s house with my cousins. When we always gather we play behind the house with dogs! We were trying to make them angry to run after us. Let me tell you more about my self. To say the truth, I have a negative and a positive behavior. I’m an angry and a mad person, because I get nervous quickly when I see something wrong happened. Also, sometimes I refuse to accept things when I’m stressed.
On the other hand, I really think I am a funny and kind person who likes to say jokes and laugh with people. Especially, I always try to make my friends laugh. The reason of being funny as I think, is that I’m always watching comedy movies and theatres. Talking about my hobbies is the most interesting thing that I like to talk about, because I have many hobbies that I spend my extra time in. I will summarize some of my hobbies that I like to spend more of my time in. I like to spend my time doing many different things especially in the sports field. Firstly, my best hobby is to play football, it’s obviously the most popular game among the men, and that’s why this game is interesting. Secondly, I like to watch football matches very much. Sometimes I spend my time watching the matches for five to six hours. My best team is Barcelona and my best player is Lionel Messi. Thirdly, I like to play table tennis, it’s not a famous game but I have many friends who like to play it and we have a table in our college and we play this game every single day. To inform you, in the college there was a competition between the students and I won this competition. Finally, baby foot is also provided in college. It is a nice game that brings the enthusiasm while playing it. In conclusion, every person in my situation as a college student wish to pass with a good GPA to help myself finding a great job. As I will choose the business major, I would like to own a small business to depend on myself also. As I always think for my future, I always see my father as a role model for me. My father always says: “To live in a good standard of life you should have the basics”. Basics are:1- A good job; to provide your family with money. 2- A house; to gather the family in a safe place. As my father mentioned about the basics, I would like to build a house that gathers me and my small future family together to live a happy and a safe life.