Monday, March 10, 2008


Lebanon is a wonderful country. It has many beautiful views and many old places and there are many visited Lebanon especially from the Gulf. Lebanon's capital is Beirut and it's one of the oldest cities in the world. Lebanon was called in the bible "the land of milk and honey" and Beirut's nickname is Paris of the East. The famous singer which is half Lebanon is Shakira. There are five countries surround Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Cyprus and Syrua.

After the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, 100,000 Palestinians were evicted from the new stare of Israel and poured into Lebanon and they tried to share places in the government and asking for their rights. In 1975, members of radical Christian group, the Phalange, attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinians in downtown Beirut. In 1982 the Israeli army invaded the city with the aim of removing the Palestinians Liberation Organization in 1989 the tensions in Lebanon between Muslims and Christians was over and a peace deal between them. There are many human and economic costs of the conflict one of them: between 150,000 and 200,000 people died in the civil war. Also about 300,000 were wounded. In addition, quarter of the population left the country. There are many things helped Lebanon to cover the loss in the civil war like paring money from business man in the Gulf and this thing helped to built highways and building crones and US-style shopping malls. Also people helped the government by coming together. On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages in Lebanon, such as: air pollution, traffic on the street and living there is too expensive.

Nowadays, Lebanon is one of the famous tourism countries in the Middle East. Muslims and Christians are living in peace.

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