Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Global Warming Video!

I hope you enjoy it..

My Carbon Foot print!

Everybody knows that the global warming is a big problem and the effects of this problem are increased day by day. The global warming is measured by footprint. Footprint is a measure of humanity's impact in earth's climate through activities that emit greenhouse gases; usually reported as weight of carbon dioxide emitted. In this essay I'm going to explain some of the problems and suggest some possible solutions. I have measured my carbon foot print and the result was that I live like we have 3.76 more planets.

One of mine problem is that in each year I travel twice by plane, so this contributes to atmospheric pollution. Another point is that I always use the car in my daily life, so this may affect the climate because of the gasses when it gets out. Also the motorcycle, I used it very often and it may arouse to raise the pollution.

On the other hand, for any problem there are always some solutions to solve it. One major solution is that I could do more travel by bus within the UAE instead of going to other countries during breaks like Eid. Also I may sometimes use a bike as alternative of my car to reduce the effect that’s happened if I used my car. One more solution is that I could reduce my trips to other countries each year and I may travel once every 2 years/

All in all, I think the world will be better if we tried communicating together and each country tries to do some changes in their life style. I think I gave some possible solution and it may reduce some of the effects of my and other's carbon footprints.

What should be done in Abu Dhabi to make people aware about global warming

The global warming is a big problem but most of the people don't know about it yet. The government in Abu Dhabi is already aware from global warming and started to build zero carbon and zero waste city. Also, the government could aware the people in Abu Dhabi by organize campaigns to make people more aware about global warming. Also, they may advertise about this problem in the televisions, radio and the cinema. We should help the government if we want to avoid this problem by trying to use another method of transporting and reduce using electricity and water.

My Reaction to the " An Inconvenient truth "

The movie has changed my thinking about the global warming. After watching the movie my opinion changed about global warming and now I am more aware about the global warming. I am thinking a lot about what kind of problems might appear in the future because of the global warming. Also, I am thinking about changing my life style in a way that makes some simple solutions for global warming such as alternative transporting method.

Summary of the " An Inconvenient "

In the movie an inconvenient truth Al Gore speaks about his believe and concern about global warming and how it effects the environment and us. His ambition is to inform the people of global warming if we do not act. It first became aware in 1970 of the evidence of global warming. In the movie he also explains the scientific facts with graphs and cartoon jokes to make the listeners to realize that we are the cause that global warming is becoming worse. One of the things that motivated him to be more active to solve this problem is his young son neared death car accident. He wanted the best for his son and the world. AL Gore discussed some possible solutions for the problem.

importance of critical thinking

"An Inconvenient Truth" What does it mean!?

The movie is called Inconvenient Truth because it is an inconvenient truth. Inconvenient for people to change the way they live to make the earth a better place for us to live in and inconvenient for the governments to cut some of their “resources” to make a difference in the world.