Monday, June 2, 2008

we'll save the planet only if we're forced to

During past time when climate was stable, humans could develop agriculture and cities. Today, climate has fluctuated and world's temperature has increased due to warming gases being pumped into the atmosphere. Main global reaction was by assuming that green consumerism is the solution. People spend extra of their time searching for greener items like energy-saving lightbulbs, energy-efficient cars and products shipped the shortest distance thinking that they have done their part of the solution. But they have not. The real solution for global warming is by governments' legislations to force us all to shift towards cleaner and greener behavior.


I totally agree with the writer that people around the world would not take serious steps towards solving the global warming and shifting towards greener consumerism unless governments force us by issuing legislations and laws. I believe that governments' legislations is the real solution, however in the meanwhile, individual actions like shopping greener items would not harm, at least it would help to increase people's awareness and might encourage others to do so.

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