Saturday, May 16, 2009

My profile

The history of our life as human beings is the most important and interesting thing that we need to remember. I would like to share some of my personal information, childhood memories and future expectations. My name is Sultan Mohammed Khamis Al Muhairi. I’m an Emirati and I was born in Alain. My birthday was on the first of August in1988. Twam hospital, the place where I was born in. I’m 19 years old. I have four siblings, two girls, and two boys. I lived in Al Ain for the first three years of my life. After that, my family and I moved to Abu Dhabi, because my father’s job moved him to work there. In Abu Dhabi, we started a new life. It was a completely different life for my family except for me, because I was a child and I didn’t notice any differences about our lifestyle in Alain. Moreover, when I grew up I started to notice the differences between Abu Dhabi and Alain. When we go to our second house in Alain, I start to be uninterested because I have no friends to hang out with. Plus, Alain is a dead place that no one could cope with it. Abu Dhabi, the place where I have lived for sixteen years. I have many friends to go out with. Each one of us has beautiful memories in his/her childhood. Actually I had a beautiful childhood, I was a naughty kid who like to be an adventurer. There are many things that happened to me and I can’t forget them. One day, I remember when I was in my grand father’s house with my cousins. When we always gather we play behind the house with dogs! We were trying to make them angry to run after us. Let me tell you more about my self. To say the truth, I have a negative and a positive behavior. I’m an angry and a mad person, because I get nervous quickly when I see something wrong happened. Also, sometimes I refuse to accept things when I’m stressed.
On the other hand, I really think I am a funny and kind person who likes to say jokes and laugh with people. Especially, I always try to make my friends laugh. The reason of being funny as I think, is that I’m always watching comedy movies and theatres. Talking about my hobbies is the most interesting thing that I like to talk about, because I have many hobbies that I spend my extra time in. I will summarize some of my hobbies that I like to spend more of my time in. I like to spend my time doing many different things especially in the sports field. Firstly, my best hobby is to play football, it’s obviously the most popular game among the men, and that’s why this game is interesting. Secondly, I like to watch football matches very much. Sometimes I spend my time watching the matches for five to six hours. My best team is Barcelona and my best player is Lionel Messi. Thirdly, I like to play table tennis, it’s not a famous game but I have many friends who like to play it and we have a table in our college and we play this game every single day. To inform you, in the college there was a competition between the students and I won this competition. Finally, baby foot is also provided in college. It is a nice game that brings the enthusiasm while playing it. In conclusion, every person in my situation as a college student wish to pass with a good GPA to help myself finding a great job. As I will choose the business major, I would like to own a small business to depend on myself also. As I always think for my future, I always see my father as a role model for me. My father always says: “To live in a good standard of life you should have the basics”. Basics are:1- A good job; to provide your family with money. 2- A house; to gather the family in a safe place. As my father mentioned about the basics, I would like to build a house that gathers me and my small future family together to live a happy and a safe life.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Introduction to my cool cities project!

Global warming is one of the most dangerous problems in the world. It increases the average temperature of the Earth's near surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century and its projected continue. Abu Dhabi was missing this important point but, nowadays, Abu Dhabi is one of the leading cities in the world and there are many ideas to try to reduce the effects of this problem by building cities that may reduce the effects of global warming. In my project I'm going to do researches on global warming and I have decided to focus in the critical thinking to get good ideas and give the best solutions.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Is Abu Dhabi a Cool City?

In my opinion i think that Abu Dhabi is not a cool city yet but,they did a good start by starting a new project with zero carbon and zero waste and many things which helping to face the global warming which it's called Mazdar city. Abu Dhabi is on the right track. however, as my friends said about the business in Masdar city I agree with the idea to open a store which sells alternatives because it will encourages them to be awareness of global warming and i think it's a good business.

USA Cool Cities

1. Seattle: They reduced global warming pollution by more than 60 percent by constructing green buildings and operating alternative fuel vehicles.

2. Washington DC: DC has replaced 414 of its polluting diesel buses with buses that burn natural gases.

3. Houston: convert a substantial portion of the city of fleet of cars and trucks.

4. Marion County/Florida: they use gas-electric hybrid vehicles.

5. The city of Scottsdale: has introduced Arizona’s first green building program which helps builders and home owners learn about how to integrate energy efficiency and water saving.

6. Salt Lake City: they changed 861 traffic lights to LED light signals.
7. Colorado: is working to produce 50 percent of the city electricity with renewable energy by 2017.

8. Charlotte: they switched from a gas only Ford Taurus to a hybrid Toyota Prius or Honda Civic and that would save city taxpayers approximately $800-1200 per vehicle including over $400 in annual fuel cost.

9. Twin Falls/ Idaho: Reduce energy cost and cut pollution by increasing the energy efficiency of its 11 schools.

10. St. Paul: they use a system that uses heat drawn from a biomass-fired power plant.

Living in Masdar city

I would like to live in Masdar's city because I think we should change our lifestyle to better. It will be totally different life there and I know it will be hard for me at the beginning but I am sure I will be use to live in this city. Also, it's an advantage for me because I will walk a lot and eat healthy food and using bikes also breathing good air. I can say that I will be an environmentally friendly.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cool City (SDSJ)

The economic development has been linked with some problems since the start of industrial revolution such us: Earth and environmental issues like rising in population and increasing in the amount of CO2. We should face these problems and solve them or we will need another earth to replace out own. We have to decrease one half the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the air to live within the capacity of a single earth. In Japan during the last 30 years GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has gone up double percent while energy efficiency has increased 37% percent and oil consumption has decreased 8%percent. And, 90 percent of carbon dioxide emitted into the air came from Buildings and transportations. The cool city is a city that was built to reduce the CO2 emission and help with the global warming problem and it's built by SDCj, Japan. The types of transportation that will be used in Cool City are Monorail between cities, LRT, hybrid cars and solar ships inside the city. And, the various zones in the city are Business/public zone, residential zone, culture/sport zone and resort zone. Some of the techniques that will reduce heat are putting an abundant of trees and water, natural breezes. The expected CO2 reduction for the two types of buildings is 80% while, the overall percentage of reduction of CO2 emissions claimed in the video is 60%.

Monday, June 2, 2008

we'll save the planet only if we're forced to

During past time when climate was stable, humans could develop agriculture and cities. Today, climate has fluctuated and world's temperature has increased due to warming gases being pumped into the atmosphere. Main global reaction was by assuming that green consumerism is the solution. People spend extra of their time searching for greener items like energy-saving lightbulbs, energy-efficient cars and products shipped the shortest distance thinking that they have done their part of the solution. But they have not. The real solution for global warming is by governments' legislations to force us all to shift towards cleaner and greener behavior.


I totally agree with the writer that people around the world would not take serious steps towards solving the global warming and shifting towards greener consumerism unless governments force us by issuing legislations and laws. I believe that governments' legislations is the real solution, however in the meanwhile, individual actions like shopping greener items would not harm, at least it would help to increase people's awareness and might encourage others to do so.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Global Warming Video!

I hope you enjoy it..

My Carbon Foot print!

Everybody knows that the global warming is a big problem and the effects of this problem are increased day by day. The global warming is measured by footprint. Footprint is a measure of humanity's impact in earth's climate through activities that emit greenhouse gases; usually reported as weight of carbon dioxide emitted. In this essay I'm going to explain some of the problems and suggest some possible solutions. I have measured my carbon foot print and the result was that I live like we have 3.76 more planets.

One of mine problem is that in each year I travel twice by plane, so this contributes to atmospheric pollution. Another point is that I always use the car in my daily life, so this may affect the climate because of the gasses when it gets out. Also the motorcycle, I used it very often and it may arouse to raise the pollution.

On the other hand, for any problem there are always some solutions to solve it. One major solution is that I could do more travel by bus within the UAE instead of going to other countries during breaks like Eid. Also I may sometimes use a bike as alternative of my car to reduce the effect that’s happened if I used my car. One more solution is that I could reduce my trips to other countries each year and I may travel once every 2 years/

All in all, I think the world will be better if we tried communicating together and each country tries to do some changes in their life style. I think I gave some possible solution and it may reduce some of the effects of my and other's carbon footprints.

What should be done in Abu Dhabi to make people aware about global warming

The global warming is a big problem but most of the people don't know about it yet. The government in Abu Dhabi is already aware from global warming and started to build zero carbon and zero waste city. Also, the government could aware the people in Abu Dhabi by organize campaigns to make people more aware about global warming. Also, they may advertise about this problem in the televisions, radio and the cinema. We should help the government if we want to avoid this problem by trying to use another method of transporting and reduce using electricity and water.

My Reaction to the " An Inconvenient truth "

The movie has changed my thinking about the global warming. After watching the movie my opinion changed about global warming and now I am more aware about the global warming. I am thinking a lot about what kind of problems might appear in the future because of the global warming. Also, I am thinking about changing my life style in a way that makes some simple solutions for global warming such as alternative transporting method.

Summary of the " An Inconvenient "

In the movie an inconvenient truth Al Gore speaks about his believe and concern about global warming and how it effects the environment and us. His ambition is to inform the people of global warming if we do not act. It first became aware in 1970 of the evidence of global warming. In the movie he also explains the scientific facts with graphs and cartoon jokes to make the listeners to realize that we are the cause that global warming is becoming worse. One of the things that motivated him to be more active to solve this problem is his young son neared death car accident. He wanted the best for his son and the world. AL Gore discussed some possible solutions for the problem.

importance of critical thinking

"An Inconvenient Truth" What does it mean!?

The movie is called Inconvenient Truth because it is an inconvenient truth. Inconvenient for people to change the way they live to make the earth a better place for us to live in and inconvenient for the governments to cut some of their “resources” to make a difference in the world.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Breakfast ‘ Keeps teenagers lean’

Do you think that if you cut out your breakfast will help you to lose weight? If yes, then you’re wrong. You should know that your body needs some calories in order to burn some!

A study illustrated that some information about people who eat their breakfast are more likely to be much active and leaner than the other people who don’t. In addition, people who don’t eat their break fast they feel exhausted and tired all the time. They do not have enough energy to move or to think.

In my opinion, you really should eat a healthy portion for your breakfast. For example, a wholegrain of cereal. That would be better eating anything than eating nothing.


Lebanon is a wonderful country. It has many beautiful views and many old places and there are many visited Lebanon especially from the Gulf. Lebanon's capital is Beirut and it's one of the oldest cities in the world. Lebanon was called in the bible "the land of milk and honey" and Beirut's nickname is Paris of the East. The famous singer which is half Lebanon is Shakira. There are five countries surround Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Cyprus and Syrua.

After the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, 100,000 Palestinians were evicted from the new stare of Israel and poured into Lebanon and they tried to share places in the government and asking for their rights. In 1975, members of radical Christian group, the Phalange, attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinians in downtown Beirut. In 1982 the Israeli army invaded the city with the aim of removing the Palestinians Liberation Organization in 1989 the tensions in Lebanon between Muslims and Christians was over and a peace deal between them. There are many human and economic costs of the conflict one of them: between 150,000 and 200,000 people died in the civil war. Also about 300,000 were wounded. In addition, quarter of the population left the country. There are many things helped Lebanon to cover the loss in the civil war like paring money from business man in the Gulf and this thing helped to built highways and building crones and US-style shopping malls. Also people helped the government by coming together. On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages in Lebanon, such as: air pollution, traffic on the street and living there is too expensive.

Nowadays, Lebanon is one of the famous tourism countries in the Middle East. Muslims and Christians are living in peace.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Favourite picture

Here is my favourite picture, I was in Austria and it's really a beatiful place.